Sunday, April 21, 2024


History Class Flickr Page Shows photos of locations I film at and features a shortened version of videos on my YouTube channel.

History Class Minisode 1: The Western Heights. Recorded in June 2023 on a GoPro Hero 10 Black.

The Crypt of St Augustine's Abbey

St Augustine’s Abbey Undercroft. Taken in December 2023 on a Google Pixel 8 Pro.

St Augustine's Abbey

St Augustine’s Abbey. Taken in December 2023 on a Google Pixel 8 Pro.

The medieval tunnels within Dover Castle.

The Medieval Tunnels at Dover Castle. Taken in July 2018 on a Canon EOS 1300D

The admiralty lookout . . . WWI era lookout over the Dover Strait.

Admiralty Lookout at Dover Castle. Taken in July 2018 on a Canon EOS 1300D.

Vice Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay was stationed at Dover Castle in the Second World War and was the master mind behind Operation Dynamo which evacuated 338,000 allied soldiers.

The Statue of Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay at Dover Castle. Taken in July 2018 on a Canon EOS 1300D.

Guns of the Second World War at Dover Castle.

Guns Overlooking the Dover Strait at Dover Castle. Taken in July 2018 on a Canon EOS 1300D.

The Dover Strait from the wartime lookout where Winston Churchill was photographed. The shipping on the strait was hit by Stuka dive bombers but often missed.

The Dover Strait. Taken in July 2018 on a Canon EOS 1300D.

East Range of Cloister - Battle Abbey

East Range of Cloister at Battle Abbey. Taken in July 2018 on a Canon EOS 1300D.

Undercroft Doorway - Battle Abbey

Undercroft Doorway at Battle Abbey. Taken in July 2018 on a Canon EOS 1300D.

Window of Undercroft - Battle Abbey

A Window within the Undercroft at Battle Abbey. Taken in July 2018 on a Canon EOS 1300D.

Within the Fortification

The Western Heights in Dover. Taken in July 2018 on a Canon EOS 1300D.

An Entrance of Western Heights Military Fortification

A Small Tunnel into the Fortress on the Western Heights in Dover. Taken in July 2018 on a Canon EOS 1300D.

Drop Redoubt Entrance

The Drop Redoubt Entrance on the Western Heights in Dover. Taken in July 2018 on a Canon EOS 1300D.

Dover Castle

Dover Castle. Taken in July 2018 on a Canon EOS 1300D.

Western Heights

The Western Heights Fortification in Dover. Taken in July 2018 on a Canon EOS 1300D.